We’ve been around the world and back twice and now (for the first time ever) the Hold the Standard™ Summit is coming back home to Los Angeles April 6th and 7th.! This is open to any person in any industry looking to expand their leadership and their team’s performance.
Participants can expect to learn:
- to differentiate technical vs adaptive challenges
- diagnostic tools for individual and collective growth edges
- simple frameworks for leadership in a group dynamic
- marketing
- internal team development
- increased revenue streams
Students can enjoy early bird pricing until March 1st, so those who take action will be rewarded. In addition, there is special pricing for teams/departments who enroll as a group.
The greatest challenges you face require solutions that cannot be outsourced. Get in the room with motivated leaders who are ready to level up this April!
2/6/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 5 rounds of the following:
10 Pause Bent Over Rows
12 DB Tate Presses
10-12 Evil Wheels
5 Rounds
In :60
5 Push Presses (AHAP)
Max Squat Jumps
-Rest 2 Min-
Reactive Push Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Tate Presses
Max Chin Over-the-Bar Hold
:25-:30 Ring L-Sit
Then, AMRAP 12
24 Alt DB Front Rack Rev Lunges (50/35)
12 Slam Balls
400m Run