On Practicing Empathy with High Stakes
On maximum security units, unspoken pieces of etiquette are always adhered to. For example, if you are a ‘short-timer,’ and by that, I mean if you don’t have a life …
On maximum security units, unspoken pieces of etiquette are always adhered to. For example, if you are a ‘short-timer,’ and by that, I mean if you don’t have a life …
Ice baths are good for you, right? Seems obviously true. And, I generally won’t fight you on that fact. I do have a question, though. If a few minutes in …
They say 51,000 cars a day drive by our Venice location each day. Nearly all of those cars are filled with people who want to be more fit and have …
Standing on stage at the Red Bull BC One breakdancing event on Venice Beach, there was a key difference between the b-boys and b-girls who advanced and those that were …
It would have been a tragic upset. The year was 2005 and in the final play of the now notorious “Bush Push” game, the No. 1 ranked USC Trojans were …