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Largest Drop of the Year in Time for Holiday Gift Season

The Grinch is a pessimist. When it comes to movement, he’d probably say things like “squatting is bad for your knees” or “you’ll hurt yourself training hard.”  Not us.  We’re

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DIY: Mental Model Improvement

I think I have an anger problem. Being a mentor to others is both a rewarding and painful process. Mostly what angers me about the process is seeing potential in

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LIMITED DROP: Transcend and Include Long Sleeve

Long sleeves, anyone? This tee won’t fit in any one box (SEE: transcendence). Celebrate all things the DEUCE is and is becoming. It’s endless.. just like you!  “The only way

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Collective Illusions: Will Topple Governments, Change Your Life

“…In everyone, there is some willingness to merge with the anonymous crowd and to flow comfortably along with it down the river of pseudo-life.” -Vaclav Havel  My man Vaclav was

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Language Matters: Posture vs. Pose

What’s the difference between a posture and a pose? Until last week, I’d never considered it, but according to Russian sports scientist, Dr. Nicholas Romanov, the difference is critical.  Dr.

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