More Doesn’t Mean Better

Consider that you’ve likely got more information in your head and on your phone than any generation before you had in their possession. We are, in fact, in the Information Age, so that makes sense. 

It’s all too common to think that more information is better. 

Despite initially thinking the opposite, more information is specifically not always better. This is true even when we’re talking about having more accurate information, believe it or not. 

Should a quarterback know about his opponent? Sure. Should he know their strengths, weaknesses, and general strategy? I think so. Should he watch some game tape? That seems helpful. Should he know what each lineman ate for breakfast? Their favorite color? I’m sure you can chuckle at the hyperbole and understand the sentiment. 

You can imagine the overwhelm if every quarterback, wartime general, or politician considered every bit of information before making a decision. In these cases, we can see that what’s needed is enough information to make an effective choice and not much more. 

Be careful getting lulled into the endless traps of the Information Age that are built on the false assumption that more information is better. Get information that minimizes your downside, make a choice, and move. 

Carry on.

8/18/22 WOD


Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

3 Weighted Box Jump
10 Fat Grip Chest Supported DB Row

Then, AMRAP 10

8 Neutral Grip Pull-ups
8 DB Goblet Curtsy Lunges

Then, complete the following for time:

DB Squat Cleans
Push Ups


Weighted Chin Up 

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

8-12 Ring Dips
:20 Bottom Support Holds

Then, complete 3 rounds of the following for reps:

In 1:15…
8/6 Cal Bike
100′ Keg Carry AHAP
MAX DB Thrusters (60/40)
-Rest 3:45-