Hold the Standard Podcast: Anticipation for ‘Season 2’

The style of ‘Season 1’ was a big shock. The highly produced, NPR-like episodes were short, topical, and jam packed with interviews, commentary, and excerpts. If you haven’t listened, go binge it now!

This podcast is all about leadership across disciplines.

The Hold the Standard™ Podcast will return to Apple Podcasts and Spotify soon for an all new season soon! ‘Season 2’ will have its own surprises, including long form interviews, video, and episode breakdowns!

While you’re patiently waiting for ‘Season 2’ to be released, get caught up with ‘Season 1’ – you won’t regret it! After all, what does the best break dancer, a top 5 winningest college coach, a celebrity chef, a world renowned photographer, Oscar nominated director, and more all have in common?

Season 1, of course. 


5/17/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following
8 DB Incline Bench Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 DB Chest Flys
15 Tate Presses
10 Weighted Elbow Body Saws

Complete the following for time:
DB Thrusters (45/25)
Athletics Burpees



Front Squat

Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats – Left
6 Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats – Right

Then, AMRAP 9:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 KB Snatches – Left (53/35)
6 KB Snatches – Right