Visibility: A Key Factor for Goal Setting

As you read this sentence, I can read your mind. Watch this. I want to talk about accomplishing goals, so reflect on your ability to handle business when it comes to goals. I bet your mind can think of some goals that you’ve accomplished and ultimately you feel proud about those. Yet, I bet there are some corners of your life where you’ve tried and tried and tried to accomplish certain goals that remain frustratingly unchanged. 

Ayelet Fishbach is a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She’s also the former president of the Society for the Study of Motivation and potentially the foremost thinker on human behavior and what motivates us. 

In a recent conversation with tech evangelist, Guy Kawasaki, she references the remarkable elegance and power of certain goal setting compared to the areas of goal setting in which we’re notoriously unsuccessful. She used the fitness goal of achieving a certain number of daily steps as a quality goal-setting example. Why does she love it so much?

Goals with visibility get done. 

Simply said, if the goal is 10,000 steps per day and you can see yourself literally making steps, things are simple, clear, and motivating. Think about how many goals we have that are much more opaque. 

Making financial goals to save money in a world of online banking makes visibility with spending and saving much less tangible, for example. Also, many nutrition goals are improbable when you don’t have visibility about the nutrient content of unassuming food choices. You get the idea. 

When you want actionable change, try this one thing: make for maximum visibility in your goals.

8/17/22 WOD


Push Press

Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:

8 Half Kneeling Landmine Rotations
12 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats

Then, EMOM 15

5 Fat Bar Deadlifts
30 Double Unders
12 Inverted Rows


Reverse Lunge (ea) 

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

50′ Death Marches
8 Paused Birddog Rows (:03)
16 1-Leg Lateral KB Passes

Then, complete 4 rounds of the following for time:

8 Hang Power Snatches (115/75)
75 Double Unders