That’s right! The same people that brought you the Fake Gym have one upped themselves. Venice Beach is now home to a fitness school unlike anything you’ve ever seen, even on the bluffs. DEUCE Gym is in prime time location, on Lincoln Blvd, across the street from everyone’s home away from home; Whole Foods Venice.
The gym is as hands on as it gets. With a CrossFit affiliated GPP program, DEUCE will offer more tools, more fitness, and more times to train. In addition, DEUCE is blazing the trail for “one stop shop” fitness experiences. A slew of 8-week specialty courses allow students to dive deep on their training in a specialized way. Whether it be strength, endurance, weightlifting, the odd lifts of strongman, or even women’s health and pregnancy, DEUCE offers focused curriculums that will take you from Point A to Point B.
Be sure to follow along with the happenings at DEUCE at our website, and on Facebook.
‘Skills and Drills’ to Replace Barbell Club
This news is bittersweet. However, given that part of our charter is to be governed by performance, we’d be doing a disservice to our students to not provide the best product possible. Therefore, Barbell Club won’t continue as we know it.
Wait. Now, before the pitchforks come out. Let us explain..
Saturday’s at DEUCE will now play host to a ‘Skills and Drills’ session. Why not call it Barbell Club? Well, we’ve got a lot more toys at DEUCE and that’s exciting news for you. Gymnastics? Weightlifting? Conditioning? It’s all fair game.
The ‘Skills and Drills’ program will start shortly as a part of DEUCE Gym. The class will function as a drop-in and students will have a loose structure to train make use of the 11AM to 1PM time slot what they wish.
Community Workouts to Replace Weekend Classes
FFOTB will be a Monday through Friday program going forward. With all kinds of new options available at DEUCE, our weekend activity on the bluffs will be replaced by events at DEUCE. Women’s Only classes will assume multiple class times during the week at DEUCE. Barbell Club will become a two hour ‘Skills and Drills’ session on Saturday’s at DEUCE. And, Endurance is a full fledged specialty course at DEUCE for 8-week cycles.
Lastly, regular 9AM class won’t continue, partially due to attendance. In it’s place? FREE community workouts once a month!
This is a great time to bring family and friends to sweat at DEUCE and enjoy each other.
Logan Gelbrich
Wednesday’s Workout:
5 rounds:
30 sec Arch Rocks
30 sec Hollow Rocks
-Rest 1 min-
Then, with a partner:
Max 200m runs in 12 min (must alternate)