I’ve come to learn as I enter adulthood that doing business with people is it’s own animal. It’s like a new skill. When you’re six years old you start practicing friendship. When you’re in high school the whole significant other relationship makes it’s debut. But, doing business with someone is unique experience.
I find that it’s very difficult to do business with folks that have standards for themselves that aren’t of a certain caliber. Therefore, when I do find someone that is a leader and worth doing business with, I feel the need to embrace them. Heck, they deserve it.
Our friends Mark Stanwyck and John Caldwell of No Canvas took our flashy standards and proceeded to call and raise us one. They created this beautiful custom website you’re enjoying right now, and they did it from scratch. It was a true joy to work with these guys and they completely nailed it, I think.
I know the number of people that this site will impact will outlast any words I could say about these guys, but I think it should be no secret who’s responsible for this masterpiece. So, John, Mark… thank you!
Logan Gelbrich
7/24/13 WOD
CrossFit classes start shortly. Call NOW for a FREE intro session – (310) 450-3969