What I didn’t realize was that he was interviewing me and not the other way around? Just two days ago I was on a WhatsApp call with the leader of an immersive leadership training I’m applying for that will meet in the Sahara desert of all places.
When I asked him what he needed from me to feel good about welcoming me to the group, he simply said, “You’ve already said what I need to hear. Seeking this without certainty about what it is is the point.” He went on to say:
“This doesn’t work if you need to be pushed into it.”
As the team leader reflected on past teaching moments, he said, “anyone who is seeking our the knowledge, it works great.” It’s when people are coerced, pushed, or talked-into it that it’s possible there’s a mismatch.
Behind the scenes at DEUCE Gym there are a number of norms and rules for our staff to seek continued development. Thanks to the contemporary field of positive psychology, we’ve left archaic views of human development behind. With that, adults have been handed a great deal of responsibility.
As it turns out, the notion that there are large landmark developmental milestones in infants and children has been replaced with a view that even adults can continue radical development into perpetuity. At DEUCE, it’s required.
In the past 14 years of doing this developmental work, I’ve had the same observational experience. The paradox continues that those who seek their own development on their own need it least. Those who need it most won’t look for it themselves.
Which one are you?
2/3/25 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
4 Staggered Stance Landmine Presses(ea)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 Banded W Holds
8 DB Curls
40 yard Bottoms up KB Carry
Minute 1: 7th Street Corner Sprint
Minute 2:12 Alternating DB Lunges(Total)
Push Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Paused Yates Row
70% Max Push Ups
Then, complete for 3 rounds for reps of:
:45 Max Thrusters (95/65)
-2:00 Air Thrusters-