Good things come in threes! This Saturday we’ve got three incredible events to take advantage of. Take a look!
11:15am – STRENGTH CHAT: Addressing Anterior Pelvic Tilt in Loaded Movement
One of the most premiere movement faults we see as a coaching staff is the dreaded anterior pelvic tilt. It’s the booty-popping disassociation of the pelvis from an otherwise useful neutral posture. Join us for a FREE workshop to nip this in the bud!
12:00pm – Ladies Only Self-Defense Workshop
We’re welcoming all women (12 years+) to explore a beginner’s level self-defense workshop from a renowned Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt! This is open to the public!
1:00pm – Street Clean Up
Did you know that DEUCE resides on the ‘Cleanest Street in Venice’? Commonwealth Ave. holds the title because we make it so! Come join us to keep the streak alive Starting at 1pm!
There’s something for everyone this weekend! Where can we expect you?
1/30/25 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the Following:
2 Weighted Pull-up
5 Deficit Sumo Deadlifts
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Wide Grip Supinated Inverted Rows
:45 Hollow Hold
For Time:
DB Power Cleans (50/35)
Sandbag Squats (150/100)
Spend 12 minutes working on Inverted Shoulder Tap progressions
Then, spend 10 minutes accumulating as much quality pulling volume as possible…
Then, AMRAP 9:
6 DB Deadlifts (70/50)
9 Toes-to-Bar