Stillness: the Challenge of a Lifetime

“Don’t just do something, stand there.”

No, you didn’t read that wrong. I’m not saying you were actively living “don’t just stand there, do something” as a life’s mantra, but it sure does look like it. 

Sometimes avoidance looks like being busy. 

Very few readers of this blog need a pep talk to do more. For you, stillness is likely difficult. I’m not advocating for laziness and letting life pass you by, which are likely your favorite excuses for your inability to sit still. I am advocating for space to be with yourself and whatever the moment brings. 

Since the present moment is the only time and place that things can happen in, it might be powerful to be in a moment without some distraction or action to do. Find out what’s there. It might be interesting, especially if you’ve never been there. Let’s be honest, you’ve got lots of experience running around with your head cut off. 

Creativity, abundance, and clarity all require a little space. Some call it boredom. Try it.

4/29/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
12 LM curtsey lunge

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 LM Heel Elevated Squats
10 yard DB Death Marches
:25 1-Arm Plank Hold

Complete 4 rounds for time:
4 Rounds
10 DB Hang Power Clean (50/35)
8 DB Push Press
Corner Run



Front Squat

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 Banded KB Swings
Max GHD Med Ball Hold

Then, complete 8 rounds for calories of:
:20 Max Cal Row
-Rest :10-