Olympic Weightlifting is intimidating.
The sport is technical, hard, and full of difficult-to-comprehend rules, dogma, and traditions.
It can seem impossible for a beginner or an outsider to get right. But there is an undeniable magic to the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Those movements captivate our imagination and inspire us to dig deep into ourselves to pull our best efforts.
If you are curious about the Olympic Lifts, there is no better person to help demystify the sport and learn the lifts from than our very own remote Weightlifting Coach, Samantha Love.
Sam is a National Champion Weightlifter who is especially passionate about making the sport accessible to all. As an athlete who competes with MS, it is important to her that everyone has a place in the sport. Over the last several years, Sam has worked with USA Weightlifting to ensure adaptive athletes get the opportunity and recognition they deserve.
She loves teaching and working with people new to Weightlifting. We are beyond excited to host her Fundamentals of Weightlifting seminar on Saturday, April 13, from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
This event is open to the public and all-levels lifters.
The seminar will cover all of the basics of weightlifting, including a deep dive into the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk. To make the sport feel more familiar and approachable, it will culminate in a mock weightlifting meet run by Sam.
4/10/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
8 Weighted Pull Ups
Complete 2 rounds for quality of:
10 1-Arm DB Chest Supported Row (ea)
12 DB Lat Pull Over
8 Dragon Flies
4 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder (150/100)
6 Burpees
Complete 3 attempts at the following complex for load:
3 Push Press, 5 Push Jerk
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Strict Pullups
Max Banded Pushups
Then, with one partner working at a time, complete 10 rounds for time of:
16 Alt. DB Snatch (70/50)
200m Run