“I like to have our guys jump on the belt squat for short three minute bouts of marching,” he said. “It’s great for the hips and glutes.” Quickly, my friend Tait and I wasted no time heading to the belt squat machine to do exactly that.
The advice came from the late powerlifting coach and inventor, Louie Simmons. We were visiting him at Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio. Westside’s reputation, like Louie’s, preceded it in a big way. There’s arguably not a stronger gym in the world (or a more intimidating one).
We heard a rumor from Louie’s trusted right hand man that he’d often offer advice to his lifters and then watch them to see if they’d listen. We heard his advice and we weren’t about to not listen.
The moral (if there is one) to this story extends beyond what to do when visiting Westside Barbell.
It’s more general than that.
If someone with supreme experience takes the time to offer advice, take it and take it immediately. Two things happen:
- You get better, and
- You’ll continue to get support and mentorship.
The alternative is that you’ll get left alone by your mentors. And, mentees, you can’t afford that.
6/24/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
2 rounds
Max Pull Ups
5 Rounds
Every 4 Minutes
7th Street Corner run
8 DB Devils Press (40/20)
12 DB Front Squats
Build to a heavy Front Squat
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
20 Box Step Overs (24/20)
15 Athletic Burpees