The 2024 CrossFit Games Open is coming to 110 Lincoln and you’re invited! We’re thrilled to announce our new and improved Friday Night Lights competition and spectator experience. The Open, which begins at DEUCE Garage Friday March 1st at 5:00pm is an annual tradition that you must witness first hand!
Plus, Heavy Handed burgers will be in the building!
The CrossFit Open is an inclusive phenomenon that acts as an international fitness invitational where hundreds of thousands of men and women see where they stack up amongst the Fittest on Earth. Participating athletes should expect a performance environment in lieu of a coached class environment. Spectators are encouraged to come support, share food, and beverages together under the lights. The event is free for everyone.
Friday Night Lights will continue for three consecutive Fridays, so if you can’t make it on Friday we invite you to subsequent weeks, as well.
Competing? REGISTER.
2/27/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
3 Sumo Deadlift With Chains
Complete 3 rounds for qualilty of:
15 DB Heel Elevated Front Squats
10 DB Toe Elevated RDLs
50 Yard Offset Waiters Carry
4 Rounds
In :60
7th Street Corner Run
Max DB Cleans (50/35)
– Rest 2 Min –
Build to a triple Sumo Deadlift (RPE 9)…
Sumo Deadlift (at Top Weight)
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
250m Row
-Rest as Needed-