Hermosa Gym to Host Tasting Event, UFC Fight

Imagine having a drink with a friend and wowing your friend with expert tasting insights into whiskey. You could explain why some whiskeys are spelled with an “ey” and some are only spelled with a “y.” Plus, you’ll learn the proper way to smell, taste, and enjoy whiskey from a true expert. 

Join us for our 3rd Annual DEUCE Athletics Whiskey Tasting!

It’s all going down Saturday, November 11th at 6pm at our Hermosa Beach location (600 Pacific Coast Hwy. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254). Dr. Robyn Smith will guide a remarkable experience tasting four different spirits. 

All are welcome to enjoy this experience. We’ll also be screening UFC 295 afterwards. Come one, come all!


11/6/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
3 Bench Press Against Chains

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6-8 Neutral Grip Pull Ups
12 Bicep Curls + 20-Yard ISO Carry
15 DB Kickbacks

Complete 3 rounds of the following for time:
8 Man Makers (50/30)
Bull Run



Take 15 minutes to work one of the following skills:
Rope Climbs, Legless Rope Climbs, L-Sit Rope Climbs

8 DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks (50/30)
16 Double Unders

At 6 minutes, complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run