Custom Nutrition Coaching Enrolling Local and Remote Students

Never ever ever ever talk about religion and politics with friends and family, right? In fact, don’t talk about nutrition either. 

Unless, it’s with Coach Jess. 

I know it’s a sensitive subject, but here’s the cold hard truth. The results you want in the gym that fuel all your hard work will or will not manifest based on your nutrition. And, that’s a fact!

There’s no getting around nutrition. 

The good news is that with knowledge comes power and the realization that this isn’t that hard. I’ll say that again. 

Nutrition doesn’t need to be that hard. 

And, we can show you how. Starting September 18th Nutrition 101 will guide the last cohort of men and women to their goals for the year. Participants can expect:

-Local and remote access to coaching

-Weekly one-on-one accountability meetings

-A personalized nutrition plan for your goals

-A habits-based approach supported by objective science

-An easy-to-use tracking app

Space is limited and the course is enrolling fast. Email with questions and inquiries!

Happy eating.

8/18/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
2-Position Power Cleans

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Bent Over Row
12 RDL’s
10 Body Saws

Complete the following for rounds:
Death by Burpees
*Rep starts at 5 on minute 1 (add 1 burpee each minute)



Paused Power Clean (Below the Knee)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Hang Clean Pulls (Below the Knee)
12 DB Split Squats – Left
12 DB Split Squats – Right

Then, complete 2 rounds of the following for reps:
400m Run
Max Wall Balls (20/14)
-Rest 4 Min-