Somethings Might Be New, We Just Haven’t Found Them Yet

If you hang around the fitness space for a considerable amount of time, you’ll understand that there’s a common driver of buzz year after year: novelty. That’s right. There’s always something new and revolutionary to try. 

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), for example, is supposed to be capitalized when spelled because it’s a thing now. But, it’s always been a thing: intervals. They are as old as training. Knees Over Toes? How else would you squat? It’s a timely reaction to a couple recent decades of trainers popularizing a fear-based mentality about forward movement of the knee. Nothing new there, either.

“Novelty” in training usually has history.  

Well, the latest obsession is the power of nasal breathing for not just health, but gym performance, right? Well, this past weekend I was introduced to a book titled “Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life: The Dangers of Mouth Breathing and Why Nose or Nasal Breathing is Preferred, Based on the Native American Experience.” What year was it published?

On your journey to truth in training, make sound logic your priority over novelty. Chances are that when it comes to novelty, there’s no such thing.

8/31/22 WOD


Power Cleans


Min 1: 20 Yard Reverse Sled Drags
Min 2: 12 KB Split Squats

Then, EMOM 12

Min 1: 8 DB Push Presses (50/35)
Min 2: 1 Corner Run
Min 3: 15 Ball Slams


Suitcase DL into 50′ Walk (ea)

Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

10 Bent Over Rows
Max Farmers Hold (ea)

Then, AMRAP 12

40 KB Swings (53/35)
20 Burpees
100 Double Unders