Debunking the Pursuit of Happiness

In a past life, I used to venture to a small island in Fiji once per year to vacation with some of the most interesting people in the world. As a young person who (still) knows nothing, it was a haven for wisdom and sharing. 

One of the annual regulars committed her life to spiritual wisdom and works under Sadhguru. Hearing second-hand insights from her was like drinking from a fire hose of ancient wisdom. Just yesterday I was reminded of one of the most confronting concepts I’d heard from her via an interview with Sadhguru where he cautions against the danger of the pursuit of happiness. 

As a bleeding heart grateful American, it’s difficult to not hear this direct reference to the Declaration of Independence and not be triggered. The Cliff’s Notes of Sadhguru’s insights is that joy and peace come from within and the very premise that one would pursue happiness has a lot to do with the destruction humans cause in the world. 

What helped me understand this was a series of logical questions about that which we’re pursuing. Consider any external thing you are seeking, even physical fitness, and imagine getting it. Then, ask yourself, “And, then what?”

“I want to become a doctor.”

“And, then what?”

“Then, I’ll be respected. 

“And, then what?”

“People will view me as valuable.”

“And, then what?” 

“I’ll be worthy.”

Are you sure? Maybe that’s not how it works.

3/21/22 WOD


Back Squat

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

:15 Barbell Walkout
20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

Then, complete 4 rounds of the following for reps:

In :60..
3 Sumo Deadlifts (275/205)
Max Double Unders
-Rest 2 min-



Even: 6-8 Med Ball Partner Chest Pass
Odd: 3 Split Stance Slam Balls (ea)

Split Jerk

Barbell Bench Press

Then, complete the following for time:

Hang Power Cleans (135/95)