The End to Overthinking, Procrastination, and Perfectionism

Man, this topic is a doozy. I can’t tell you how many people come into our leadership development sphere and suffer from being directly in their own way. 

I’ve taught extensively on the adaptive change often required in cases of a pattern of procrastination. That work, mostly fueled by blindspots and “hidden competing commitments” is not what I’m talking about today. Today I’m talking about a simple solution. 

The entire message can be summed up in a single word. Ready? Deadlines. That’s it. That’s the whole blog article. 

Now, if you want more. Here’s the next layer deeper. The reason this works is worth reading into. People who hit deadlines almost never ship work that they perceive is perfect. 

Read that again. 

People who hit deadlines almost never ship work that they perceive is perfect. 

Deadlines force us instead to tolerate the discomfort of our work being ready enough. Since no one submastery” in this is more about getting better work to the deadline

8/29/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 5 rounds of the following:
3 Power Cleans

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Tempo RDLs (40×1)
:30 L-Sit Hold (< :12)

Min 1: 15 DB Goblet Squats (AHAP)
Min 2: 12 Lateral Push Ups
Min 3: 8 Chin Ups
Min 4: 7th Street Corner Run



Split Squats (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:30 Side Plank March – Left
:30 Side Plank March – Right
10-12 Partner GHRs
-Rest as Needed-

Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of:
20 OHS (115/75)
800m Run