The fans are on their feet. With the game in the balance in the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, full count, it’s now or never. As a hitter, you’ve dreamt about a moment like this your whole life. I mean think about it.. You definitely don’t want to strike out, so any pitch close requires you put a swing on it. You want to have success, so it’d better be a good swing. Ah – the nerves, right?!
Could you take ‘Ball Four’ in this situation?
The ultimate sign of maturity in this scenario is being discerning enough, amongst the pomp and circumstance, to not swing on a pitch that would win the game with a walk. What’s funny about this is no one and I mean no one day dreams about ball four in that scenario. Yet, if the pitch isn’t in the zone, swinging most definitely means for an out (likely a strike out).
With the College World Series in full swing this past week, I’ve had baseball on my mind much more than usual and seeing this scenario played out deserved a slow clap in my mind. This requires a chef’s kiss-type appreciation.
Outside of baseball the theme continues. Being the hero, winning, or whatever else you want to call it is almost always associated with action. Yet, discernment is often the much more rare, silent, and effectual act of a mature human. Take inventory on your life and soon you’ll see where “taking a pitch” is the savvy move that will win you more games. It’s the deals you say “No” to and the opportunities you opt out of that will define your success as much as any action you take.
6/26/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Test Day:
1RM Back Squat
Complete the following for time:
1 7th Street Corner Run
20 Burpees
1 Bull Run
30 Push-ups
6th Street Hill Run
40 Lunges
7th Street Hill Run
50 Squats
1 Bull Run
60 KB Swings(71/53)
Odd: 1 Banded Sumo Deadlift
Even: :20 Max DB Vertical Jumps
Then, every 3 minutes for 4 rounds, complete for following for max reps:
:75 Plank Hold
Max Apnea KB Swings (53/35)