On Non-Negotiables & Streaks

I wanted to start this article with some “Rah-Rah” speech about the non-negotiables in life that make all the difference in our performance. Most people want some kind of greatness in their lives and it’s usually the things that you are committed to despite the circumstances that get you there. But, the reality isn’t all that simple. 

This morning I logged my 147th day in a row of meditation.

This is a streak that I’m proud of and I’d call it a non-negotiable in my life. A young basketball player might commit to making ten free throws in a row after each practice, for example. A software salesman hell bent on a year-end bonus might commit to making an extra 200 cold calls per week regardless of how busy things get. 

There are levels to this whole non-negotiable business, though. You see, sometimes falling off the wagon can be catastrophic if we place too much emphasis on the streak itself. What you don’t know about my precious meditation streak is 147 days ago I broke a 104 day streak. Before that? 91 days. 

These were heartbreaking missteps on my part, but there’s a big difference between meditation 342 out of the last 344 days and failing to practice mindfulness because I broke a streak 91 days in. 

You’re likely either currently enrolled in some kind of practice in your life (even if it’s the gym) or you were and you fell off. My advice will either be helpful immediately or later (when you fall off), so hear me. 

The practice isn’t riding the horse. The practice is getting back on. 

8/25/22 WOD


Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

8 Partnered GHD’s
12 Arnold Presses

Then, EMOM 12

:30 Max Lateral Plyo Hops
8 Sandbag Squats
:30 Max Athletic Burpees


Reverse Lunges (ea)

Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

8 Paused Bird Dog Row (:03)
8 Tempo 1-Leg RDL ea. (42X1)

Then, complete 4 rounds for time:

90 Double Unders
30 Squats
15 Athletic Burpees