Things You Remember In Bed…

Talk to any high-level performer who’s been in the game for any great length of time and ask them about the most important contributors for longevity in their craft. Beyond the obvious – things like a relentless work ethic, commitment, etc. – you’re damn near guaranteed to hear them also speak about the same unglamorous, but essential component: rest. Of course, rightfully so – it’s literally neuroscience! – new learning requires intense focus and intense rest.

Now, let’s zoom out for a second. Perhaps I’m biased from my background in team sports, but I’ve always appreciated and found useful the pursuit of mastery in both power and finesse for any game. Sure, you can muscle your way through a lot – but to what extent might your highest expression (not to mention – fulfillment) in any field be muted if you’re only willing to play with what’s in your control? 

From this perspective, consider how attacking rest with the same tenacity you approach training could lend itself toward an increased capacity to perform. As students of the Breath & Exposure program here already know – neither of the two sides of the autonomic nervous system are better/worse than the other. Rather, both the sympathetic (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic (rest and digest) are essential. Moreover, maintaining balance between the two is the goal in order to best express both sides.  

Well, lucky for all of us, rest is readily available to you, whether you’re a beginner or professional athlete. And all it takes is prioritizing the one piece of furniture you already have – your bed! Think of it this way, much like training can equip you with the opportunity to perform at a high level elsewhere, more quality time resting will likely provide you with the opportunity to think more clearly and creatively. 

Coming from someone who generally struggles to not do some form of work most days (okay, seven out of seven days) of the week, take it from me experimenting with some extra rest this weekend to leave you with five simple, but profound overarching lessons I pretty effortlessly arrived at from – you guessed it… laying in bed.

1.Prioritize connection over projection.

2.For as strong as you are, to the same depth – exercise surrendering. 

3.Fluidity is your friend.

4.Quit wishing for a life of certainty without conflict. Friction is what makes life interesting.

5.For the love of God, remember to hydrate.

So there you have it. Try resting as hard as you train, and don’t be surprised when you new PRs start coming – in and outside the gym.

5/14/21 WOD


Complete 3 rounds for load of:
10 Strict Presses
5 KB Windmills (ea)

Then, AMRAP 10
1,2,3.. Thrusters 
Pull Ups  
*At 5 min, 1 Bull Run.

Finisher: 3x 10 Double Dumbbell Lateral Raises



Then, perform 4 rounds for quality: 
10 RDLs
20 Continuous Standing Vertical Jumps
-Rest 2 Min-

Then, complete  4 rounds for time of:
12 DB Front Squats (50/35)
500m Row



Then, perform 4 rounds for quality: 
10 RDLs
20 Continuous Standing Vertical Jumps
-Rest 2 Min-

Then, complete  4 rounds for time of:
12 DB Front Squats (50/35)
500m Row