Our friends at FIGHTCHIX are sponsoring ‘Week 3.’ FIGHTCHIX is a lifestyle brand created by Elisabeth and Jake Nuesser to support men and women taking on life in martial arts.
These two have been integral supporters of DEUCE Gym from afar for some time. Whether you live on the mat or not, they make quality gear we all can get inspiration from.
PRIZES: A perfect score in the lifestyle category puts you in a drawing for an outfit from FIGHTCHIX!
Are you ready for some coaching? Check out this video. I’ve seen it time and time again. Some participants get all the points and miss the point. Sprinkle a little calm on your Type-A tendencies and live a little. The scoreboard isn’t a place to see your perfect score on the Internet. It’s feedback for your life.
If you’re shutting down and hoarding points, you probably aren’t learning to live with the game. In the right circumstances, you might want to choose to lose some points. Let it hurt and learn.
That’s the point after all, right?
Logan Gelbrich
2/1/16 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder-to-Overhead