Sweetfin Poké – WLC WEEK 8: Acts of Kindness

This is it, guys! Week 8 is here. You can earn your lifestyle points this week by performing one act of generosity or kindness towards another individual. Keep in mind, too, that they don’t have to be a participant in the challenge.

Each act must be intentional. Acts that you remember doing during the day won’t count, for example.

Each week a meaningful sponsor has made for a rich challenge experience for us all. This lifestyle challenge is brought to you by our friends at SweetFin PokéBasic RGB

Sweetfin is a fresh new restaurant opening locally in the next couple weeks at the corner of Lincoln and Broadway. Chef Dakota Weiss has developed an array of signature bowls that will capture California freshness with the highest quality and most sustainable fish available.

This week’s challenge winner will receive a surprise from SweetFin Poké. Play to win!


Logan Gelbrich


3/9/15 WOD

3 Attempts:
Max L-Sit Hold

Complete 4 attempts at the following barbell complex:

1 Clean Shrug (AHAP)
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Split Jerk

– Rest as needed between efforts-