Imagine that how you perceive the scope of your responsibilities could improve your overall performance. News flash, folks. It can! I think we’d all agree that bigger responsibilities are inherently more demanding than smaller ones, right?
What I’m telling you is that you can apply a more narrowed focus to perform better during larger, more complex efforts. For example, in the baseball community we used to call it “winning pitches.” Ask any high level pitcher how they threw in the game and they’ll often make reference to making individual pitches rather than innings or an entire game. They do this because that is their focus. “One pitch at a time.”
In the gym, change your focus away from a hard workout and place emphasis on making quality reps. Make one, then another, and another, and so on and so forth for a more concentrated focus and a brief departure from the totality of your responsibility. At work, if you’ve got a long “to do” list, you’ll instantly improve performance if you can narrow the scope of your focus to a single task, rinse, and repeat.
Sure, the volume of work is still the same but if you can itemize your efforts you’ll be able to enjoy a more potent focus. How will you cover a mile, just one inch at time, today?
Logan Gelbrich
10/8/14 WOD
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
5 Thrusters (95/65)
25 Situps
50 Double Unders
Then, accumulate:
60 Ring Rows
60 Banded Hamstring Curls