Move Naturally

Is part of what excites you about Functional Fitness on the Bluffs the idea of training in nature? We are so lucky to have a unique atmosphere in our (fake) gym. At FFOTB, we actually embrace our odd surroundings more than just on a superficial, that’s-a-nice-view kind of level. Given that we are training functional movements with the end goal of real world performance in mind, it makes sense that we are, in fact, in out in the real world when we train.

If you’ve ever wanted to dive in a bit deeper into this concept, I’d like to introduce you to a unique training protocol that has garnered worldwide success and recognition. MovNat is the fitness modality/community/lifestyle that takes our tip of the iceberg with training outdoors to a whole new level.


MovNat founder, Erwan Le Corre, really has something incredible here and his ideology surrounding fitness is as natural and limitless as I’ve seen. Who knows maybe your experiences with us will lead you on an exciting new journey with MovNat or even on your own. Life a jungle.. let’s play in it!

Man (Travis) vs. Nature

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

Complete the following for time:

400M Lunge

200M Bear Crawl

200m Run


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