This afternoon starting at 5:30PM, we’ll be playing host to a Whole Life Challenge approved potluck. That’s right! This is your chance to get out of your tupperware, your same old recipes, and mix it up with friends for an epic meal.
If you plan on attending, bring a Whole Life Challenge approved dish. We promise you’ll leave with a full belly and likely some left overs that will spice up your food prep game.
Guest will enjoy a FREE tasting of The Honest Bison’s meat provisions courtesy of DEUCE Athlete and founder, Sean Lenihan. Challengers and non-challengers are welcome!
Let’s eat!
Logan Gelbrich
2/22/17 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
100′ Sled Drag (AHAP)
25 Reverse Hypers
20 DB Side Bends (Each)
20 Inverted Rows
Then, complete 5 rounds for total calories:
:60 Max Cal Row
-Rest 2 min-