Breathe it in. We. Are. Back. Even if it felt annoying or intermittent over the break, it’s important to recharge. We’ve talked internally about the holiday break every year since the Fake Gym days and the result is always the same.
Well, that time is over and it’s time to reengage. That ground swell of energy you’re feeling is bigger than you think. January will pack a healthy punch. To throw gas on the motivational fire, the Whole Life Challenge starts January 16th. We’ve got a massive team growing and you’re invited to get lean, get fit, and focus your lifestyle with us for eight weeks of intentional living.
Grab you’re training partner and get in here. It’s go time!
Logan Gelbrich
1/4/16 WOD
Complete 3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-ups
Accessory Work:
3 x 50’ Death March
4 x 25 Face Pulls