The moment people, businesses, and communities kick up their heels and get complacent things change. The good restaurants go bad, the promising running backs lose their competitive edge, and innovative companies get dull. There’s a certain built in accountability for folks that need to hustle to succeed. For the, everything matters, It’ pays to work hard, do it better than the next guy, deliver the work with a smile, and work better, longer, faster than the next man. The checks and balances of competition, passion, and the need to survive create the perfect recipe for progress.
Folks that have to work hard or suffer huge consequences are the folks that nail it with customer service. The men and women that have a clear focus for their drive make life changing gains in the gym. The musician with a dream and only one way out writes and performs music in a way that no comfortable man or woman could. The list goes on and on.
There’s never a shortage of folks with goals and desires both in the gym and out, but to see a man or a woman that’s truly hungry and willing to hustle is unfortunately rare. If you’re not hustling, you’re probably not tending to your work, training, goals, or whatever it is with the vigor required to be successful. If you’ve got some success and have started to throttle back, enjoy it but realize that to proceed forward you’ll need to ramp back up your hustle to compete.
Who’s hungry?
Logan Gelbrich
8/25/14 WOD
5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)