Many times the details of what you are doing is much less powerful than why you are doing it. If you’re are reading this, there’s something that has put you here in this community, on this website. There’s a reason. You want something. You’re hungry. You’re motivated. And, what I’m telling you is that even more important than your motivation and your desires, is why you feel that way. Watch the video below of Eric Thomas explaining his “Why?” to the Auburn Tigers.
If you can’t relate to Eric, that’s fine. I can’t. But, I know my “Why?” and what the source of my drive is. For many of us, the “Why?” is less obvious. We all have something deep down, however, that drives us. You need to know why it is that you step foot in our door because, mark my words, it’s that idea that will show you your true potential and nothing else.
Logan Gelbrich
Tuesday’s Workout:
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (155/105)
20 Pushups
200m Run