Is Sitting & Standing a Life or Death Task?

I was talking to a friend the other day and he was telling me about an interesting study he came across. The  study is based on a test called “Teste de Sentar e Levantar,” or The Sit and Stand Test, and the European Society of Cardiology released the studies findings just this past month.

“The test was a simple assessment of the subjects’ ability to sit and then rise unaided from the floor. The assessment was performed in 2002 adults of both sexes and with ages ranging from 51 to 80 years. The subjects were followed-up from the date of the baseline test until the date of death or 31 October 2011, a median follow-up of 6.3 years.”



This information  definitely suggests an interesting correlation. It is not a saying that without a doubt if you need assistance, that you will be gone within 6+ years. But ,it definitely does bring to light the strong correlation between musculoskeletal strength and flexibility in survival. Some people say that your ability to squat is your insurance in staying out of the nursing home. I believe that this study is along the same lines. Clearly, those that were de-conditioned in this study seemed to be destined for the same fate.

We may (or may not) be a cult.

We may (or may not) be a cult.

We do a lot of squatting at the FakeGym. This study is pretty solid evidence of why one ought to do few more squats and deadlifts. Our bodies are designed to perform regardless of the scale of this performance, whether it is of Olympic caliber, or of beer league softball caliber. Our bodies are tremendous machines that repair through movement. Furthermore, they degrade with lack of movement.

I encourage you all to take this test. Make note of your physical capabilities. I truly believe that we can always improve. If you don’t pass, let’s make sure you pass next time you take it. Training is for life and whatever you do outside of class. It will be made easier by the sweat equity you get while you are here. Cheers to long and happy lives.


Danny Lesslie


Tuesday’s Workout:


1 Snatch Pull

2 Power Snatch

1 Snatch Balance


Then 4 rounds:

400m Run

(1:1 Work to Rest)


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