
Introducing CrossFit Test Prep

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We’re always asking questions around here about how we can be better. Recently rockstar student, Thai Checel, shared a dream of hers that she’d be harboring for years about developing

You’re Missing the Point

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Few would agree that the experience of education is captured in the class assignments, while the stories, relationships, and lessons have a lasting impact. Let me as you, who was

Offseason Importance

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**DEUCE is closed from December 24th-January 2nd** For some of you, today will be your last day of training in 2013, while others have already begun their “offseason.” Whether or

A Matter of Degree

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Each of us has the unique opportunity to do just what we want with our fitness. All of our goals may be different, but they all have plenty of validity.

The Overhead Squat: True Function

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The title of this one should say, ‘The Overhead Squat: True Function and No Bullshit’ but, hey, that’s not nice. It’s pretty accurate, though. The overhead squat is arguably the