Whether you prefer working with others or working alone, balancing connectedness and autonomy is an inherent dialectical tension of life.
Take a moment to reflect. In a group versus on your own – how willing, how capable, how efficient are you? To be, to do, to accomplish?
The Four Tendencies framework, created by Gretchen Rubin, explores how people deal with expectations in order to better leverage motivation and perform work. These tendencies are differentiated by the degree to which one responds to internal and/or external influence. Briefly stated, here are the four types:
Upholders: respond to both inner and outer rules. What’s on the schedule for today?
Questioners: question all rules. What needs to get done today?
Obligers: respond to outer rules but not inner rules. What must get done today?
Rebels: resist all rules. What do I want to do today?
Tendencies aside, when it comes to getting what you have to get done, done, consider the utility in reframing work from a positive/negative connotation to a neutral connotation. A step further, consider likening your daily workload to your daily food consumption. Much like you might feed yourself three times each day, consider how getting things done across consistent intervals (like breakfast, lunch, and dinner) might be equally as nourishing, if not essential, for your health.
With others, without others, whatever your tendency – get your work done. Increased work capacity = increased life capacity.
Kimmy Moss
12/10/19 WOD
E: 50′ 1-Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunges (AHAP)
O: 12 Hollow Rocks
Then, complete 2 rounds for time:
400m Run
3 rounds:
8 Pull Ups
12 DB Push Presses (50/30)
400m Run
-Rest as needed-