In a past life I started a sports nutrition company called ORIGINAL Nutritionals, which was in some ways the anti-supplement supplement company. Our core business was one of just a couple of truly universally beneficial supplemental nutrients, Omega-3.
Part of the issue is that consumers want the simple answer to the question, “What’s it good for?” As it turns out, “Everything” isn’t a compelling answer even if it’s true.
The same is true with breath exploration and the exposure to the sauna and ice baths. So, we invite you to train DEUCE Breath & Exposure with us and discover your reasons on your own. The list is delightfully long.
Did you know you can drop-in to DEUCE Breath & Exposure? Select your class here.
Logan Gelbrich
11/7/19 WOD
Alt Weighted Pistols
Weighted Bar Dips
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (70/44)
9 Toes-to-Bar