Everyone wants to put you on a team. Whether it be political, ethical, or it has to do with fitness or nutrition, there’s this constant need to polarize things. Sure, we can’t be grey-area-mush about everything, but realize that this is a natural human phenomenon towards the path of least resistance. It, like water, will continue to flow towards the easy way.
“Hit ‘Like’ if Chris Kyle an honest hero.”
“Are you republican or democrat?”
“Is eating tropical fruit good or bad for you?”
“So, you’re pro CrossFit?”
What do these questions even mean anymore? Everything I’ve ever heard from friends about Chris Kyle is that he was a damned fine gentleman, but now I’ve got to answer to every story he’s ever told? What if I’ve told you I’ve voted Republican and Libertarian in every presidential election, does that mean I’m down for whatever comes out of these clowns mouths? Also, tropical fruit is tropical fruit, it doesn’t get to your stomach and turn in a green slip if it’s good or a pink slip if it’s bad. That’s just a silly question. Stop.
And lastly, if you can tell me what CrossFit is, I’ll better be able to answer your question. But, it sounds to me like you’re asking me if I think ripped hands and spinal injuries are good for you. Stop.
Teams are great. I spent most of my life on them. However, recognize the natural pull towards being a ‘true believer.’ Once you’re a true believer in anything (Paleo, Conservative politics, CrossFit, Drake’s music, etc), you might find yourself spending more time defending some idea than actually thinking about anything yourself.
Maybe things are a bit more complicated. Maybe things require a bit more thinking and responsibility than putting on your team’s jersey and riding it our till the buzzer goes off.
Logan Gelbrich
1/23/15 WOD
400m Run
5 Hang Power Clean (155/105)
2 Muscle Ups