Crush Cancer 2014 is upon us! Join us this Saturday in the heart of Culver City for the 4th annual event to raise money for cancer research. DEUCE Gym has raised over $3000 for the event.
Expect dozens of Southern California gyms and hundreds of participants to take part in the workout, “Crush Cancer,” for a great cause. The fully scalable workout is open to the public. You’ll just need to help us raise $150 before Saturday. You can get registered here!
As a result of our commitment to Crush Cancer, we will not have our regularly scheduled ‘Skills and Drills’ session this Saturday. See you in Culver City!
Logan Gelbrich
10/15/14 WOD
15s Rack Hold
2 Push Presses (AHAP)
With a partner, AMRAP 10
Partner A: Max Stone to Shoulder (175/115)
Partner B: 200m Run