Breath & Exposure Seminar Saturday

Join us this Saturday from 9am to Noon for the latest DEUCE Breath and Exposure Seminar. Coach Kimmy Moss is a Level 3 XPT coach who has created a unique curriculum that aggregates best practices from the leading minds in breath and performance. 

This three-hour clinic will take you through a series of upregulating & downregulating breathwork, introduce you to basic hypoxic [low oxygen] training, and guide you through contrast exposure, where you’ll cycle back and forth between a 200+ degree sauna and low 30 degree ice bath. You’ll learn to alter your state using basic breath, sauna and ice practices, and leave feeling like your body hit a much-needed reset button.

The goal here is simple: provide a world-class experience for you, and equip you with an arsenal of knowledge surrounding breath, heat & ice that provides you with the necessary toolkit to explore your own calibration of B&E protocols.

Ready to experience Breath and Exposure? Enroll here

Logan Gelbrich 


8/8/19 WOD

Accumulate 3 minutes in the L-Sit…


Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:

10 Ab rollouts

15 Leg Lifts


Then, complete the following for time:

50 Double Unders

50 DB Deadlifts (50/35)


-Rest 2 minutes-


15 Burpees

50 DB Front Squats


-Rest 2 minutes-


50 Double Unders

50 Alt DB Snatches 


-Rest 2 minutes-


15 Burpees

200m Run