Almost a year ago, Melanie Lim traveled from Singapore to intern with us here in Venice Beach. While she was committed to immersing herself in the culture and learning the business, she also haphazardly decided to start making a daily diary video chronically the DEUCE experience. DEUCE Diaries quickly blew up the internet with both its unique style and rich content.
Now, that she’s move to Venice Beach, this is ‘Season 2’ and it features the transformational power of our staff development strategy, Coach’s Prep. The story is told through of the journey of another transplant, Lacey Fema, who began following Coach’s Prep 101 online while living in Madison, Wisconsin. Lacey, then, packed up a UHaul and drove to the West Coast to enroll on-site, eventually making her way through the program and coaching her first class.
This is her Coach’s Prep experience. WATCH.
Logan Gelbrich
1/22/19 WOD
Complete 30 pistols for quality…
Then, complete 2 rounds of the following for reps:
5 Clean and Jerks (185/125)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
-Rest 3 min-
10 Sumo Deadlifts
5 Over-the-Bar Burpees
-Rest 3 min-