Join us tomorrow evening for a social event to bring in the New Year and send off our Whole Life Challengers who are committing to 6-weeks of intentional lifestyle practices. We will be meeting at The Lincoln starting at 7PM. You can find more details for this in the Facebook event page.
This also means it’s your last chance to join our entire community in a six week lifestyle game called the Whole Life Challenge. No, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a beer for six weeks or that you’re banished from having cream in your coffee in the morning. It will bring awareness to those things, however.
This awareness is exactly how we’re going to dial in not just performance gains but body transformation and mindfulness improvements, as well. You can join us from anywhere in the world and don’t need to be present to play. The challenge starts Jan. 19th and we’ll be setting baseline scores today in GPP class.
All you need to do is click here to enroll with nearly one hundred DEUCE friends and family!
Logan Gelbrich
1/16/19 WOD
3-5-Max Reps DB Chest Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Chest Supported Row
10 Wide Grip Pull Ups
Then, complete the following for reps:
5 Pull Ups
5 Burpees
-Rest :90-
10 DB Thrusters (50/35)
5 Burpees
-Rest :90-
15 KBS (70/53)
5 Burpees
-Rest :90-