I pleased to announce that I’ll be teaching a movement clinic June 9th from 12-3PM for all fitness levels with a beer social to follow presented by Three Weavers brewery. The strongman experience will get men and women of any fitness level to understand how to press kegs and load atlas stones. This three-hour event will be a day you’ll never forget.
Not only will participants learn how to train like a strongman, they will participate in a mock event. Participants will enjoy sunshine and FREE beers afterward.
Tickets are $30 for the strongman experience. Ready to join us? Reserve your spot here.
Logan Gelbrich
5/8/18 WOD
Complete the following for time:
2 Rounds:
20 Cal Assault Bike
20 Box Jump Overs
-Rest 2 min-
2 Rounds:
15 SDLHP (75/55)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
-Rest 2 min-
2 Rounds:
10 Power Snatches (75/55)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2 min