You may have heard a hallmark of CrossFit that sounds like, “We specialize in not specializing.” That’s the GPP (General Physical Preparedness) goal. Our GPP program is no different. We lay the foundation for fitness capacity with the biggest net we can cast. It prepares our students for life’s unknowns and has enough potent adaptation to see wonderful gains.
That being said, what if there was a time and a place to specialize?
We also have that. This time next week all of our specialty courses will be running full speed ahead. Don’t know where to start. Check it out:
DEUCE Strength: Builds foundational strength with a progression rooted in the squat, deadlift, and press. With eight total spots available, the course meets Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 PM starting February 4th. Email danny@deucegym.com to enroll.
Strongman 101: Utilizes odd lifts to build functional strength and power capacity. Flip tires, shoulder an atlas stone, carry a yoke, and play with the rest of the strongman toys starting Monday Feburary 3rd. This eight week course also has an eight person limit. Classes meet Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Email logan@deucegym.com to enroll.
DEUCEndurance: Make running easier with less effort and less injury with a skill based approach. Whether you’re preparing for a race or working on a weakness, this course in available on a drop-in basis each Saturday at 10AM. Email info@deucegym.com for more info.
Barbell Performance: The finer points of the clean and jerk and the snatch are drilled on a weekly basis here. Improving one’s lifts takes meticulous care and attention whether you’re taking on the sport of weightlifting, or simply improving a barbell skill set. This course in available on a drop-in basis each Saturday at 10AM. Email info@deucegym.com for more info.
Make Sh*t Happen: The 23 hours a day spent outside of the gym trumps everything that happens in training. MSH is a goal setting group like you’ve never seen, mostly because we get sh*t done. MSH meets every 90 days. Interested? Email lindsey@deucegym.com.
We’re quite lucky to be able to offer such a diverse course list here. If there’s something that suits you, perks your interest, or you think would take you to the next level, jump in! You’re a student of the game.
Logan Gelbrich
1/30/14 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for reps of:
In 60 seconds:
Complete 200′ Shuttle
Max Thrusters (95/65)
-Rest 90 seconds-