FFOTB Events: The OC Throwdown

It’s that time of year! One of the largest local fitness competitions of its kind will take place January 12-13th in Costa Mesa. The OC Throwdown is an incredible event each year, and the competitors that take part in the event are some of the fittest men and women on Earth.

What does this have to do with you? 

1 down, 2 to go.

1 down, 2 to go.

Well, I’m glad you asked. It’s our view that events like these are important for students. And, I’ll tell you that they are important for two reasons:

  1. Aspiration – Just like any little leaguer ought to go to a Major League Baseball game, you all should see the best in the world train. I just think competitions are just a bit more fun than watching people train on YouTube. What you’re going to find are a bunch of competitors older than you that are way more fit that you. Guys, you’re going to see a ton of girls that are twice as powerful as you. You’ll also find a bunch of people smaller than you that are stronger than you. You might even find someone that has similar characteristics that you connect with. And, do you know what they have? They have personal bests, too, like one rep max cleans and they have “Nancy” PR times, and so do you. What does that mean? It means you’ll then have new aspirations that will make you better. Being better is exactly why you are here in the first place. Seems pretty straight forward to me. 
  2. Connection – Do you know who attends these things? People like you and me do. Yup, that’s right. We aren’t the only crazy ones out there. You’ll meet people from all over the world with your career, your experience level, your strengths, and your weaknesses. You’ll connect with the positivity of our program, but on an international scale. These connections might spark new training interest. Or, hell you might find your future spouse. This event seems to be a filter such that everyone in attendance knows how to have fun, has a work ethic, and is fresh out of excuses.

At FFOTB, we encourage our students to “get out of the house” if you will. Experience what places have to offer. You might just learn something new. The OC Throwdown might be that type of event.

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/55221993]

If you’re interested in going, let’s coordinate carpools and have a fun weekend! ORIGINAL Nutritionals is sponsoring, so y’all will have a place to hang out and leave stuff if you need to, also.

Keep in mind, all of our regularly scheduled classes are still running, so don’t miss your training times. All of the event information can be found here: The OC Throwdown Official Website

Logan Gelbrich


Friday’s Workout:

In teams of 2 or 3, move your unit down, back, and back down the following set as quickly as possible.

15 Power Cleans (135/95)
30 Russian Swings
15 Burpees

*Team members may only advance when the station ahead of them is open

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