Cuing = Love

There’s an old adage in the sports world that goes something like, “You know you’re in trouble when they stop yelling at you.” The  phrase is true and turns the feeling of reprimand on its head. The idea, then, is that being scolded, verbally motivated, or whatever you’d like to call it is a sign that the coach that is yelling at you cares about you enough to do so. If a scout, coach, or recruiter in sports becomes silent to a player, the message received is that he is finished. Yelling is good.

Malcolm: World-class athlete. Coachable still.

Though we aren’t the drill sergeant-kind, there can be quite a bit of verbal cuing from your coach at FFOTB. In the Olympic lifts, especially, this never ends– even at the world class level.

As much as it may seem like “there’s always something,” or you just can’t get it perfect, take it in stride. Being able to take cues, or being “coachable,” is an invaluable attribute to have. As long as your coaches are critiquing you, there is hope. As soon as your mistakes continually go unnoticed, then there’s a problem.

Being coachable puts progress in 6th gear. “Cue me up, coach!”

Logan Gelbrich


Friday’s Workout:

For time:
50 KB SDLHP (53/35)
400m Run
10 Alternating KB Snatches
50 Burpees
10 Alternating KB Snatches
400m Run

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