Ah! What the hell! How does that EVEN happen?! I HATE EVERYONE!
This may be something you have experienced. I definitely have had this experience. Something so simple, and yet a small window into such an abundance of happiness. A lot of things can go awry in a day, and all will be just fine, and I will be just fine, but if that cup of coffee is burnt then all bets are off. Someone may just get smurfstomped on the way to lunch.
The point here being, that the barista may not even know that this is the case. If they miss a beat on one cup of coffee, the effect that it can have is a ripple not to be messed with. I secretly pray that they don’t burn my coffee each time I go get one. I understand that this may be a bit nerdy, but once you have a great cup of coffee, a burnt one is just a burnt one.
In a relative sense, a barista is not doing brain surgery, but I would say that their job is just as important. Their are some brain surgeons that drink coffee and if they were operating on my brain, I damn sure hope they enjoyed their coffee.
Whether you make coffee or even enjoy coffee, I want you to put yourself in the place of a barista. What you do, and how you do it, effects others. No matter how small (a smile to a child) or how large (if we do all of these things as best we can) I think we might enjoy our time here a bit more.
Value your work, value your family, value your actions, and value your contribution.
Danny Lesslie
4/21/15 WOD
2 Sandbag Load over the Bar (AHAP)
6 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Burpees