Here it is! Strongman 202 is set to begin in April. It’s structure will differ from Strongman 101, making it a more affordable, more inclusive evolution for those that have graduated from the Strongman 101 program.
DEUCE Gym is a beautifully structured school of fitness, but Strongman 202 complements common program structures with what will, in practice, feel like our only opportunity at an ‘unlimited membership’ or ‘open gym.’
Strongman 202 memberships will grant access to the gym anytime between 8AM and 7:30PM Monday-Friday and 10AM-1PM on Saturday’s. Participants will have access to Strongman 202 programming, which they may do up to six days per week in groups, with a coach, or alone.
Here are the membership details:
DEUCE Gym GPP Members: $99/ Month-to Month
Non-DEUCE Gym GPP Members: $205/ Month-to-Month
**Both memberships will operate under a code of conduct that displays the highest spirit of our ‘Hold the Standard’ culture. Like all of our programs, we don’t let assholes, liars, or criminals train here.
I look forward to training with you all and exploring this experience with strongman tools on a regular basis. As always, reach out with questions.
Logan Gelbrich
3/16/14 WOD
Overhead Squat (115/75)