I want to tell you something about you. I don’t me “you” the community, I mean you the person reading this sentence. If you can grasp the magnitude of what I’m about to say, it may change your perspective forever. Here it is:
You can’t know the full extent of your potential.
It’s impossible. Some of you may say you agree with me, while having a ball park idea. Stop that. What I’m telling you is that your brain can’t conceive within a million miles of accuracy what you’re capable of.
When you step outside of your bubble of work, life, rinse, and repeat for a second, I want you to think about what I’m saying. Being a millionaire, an inventor, ultra-fit, and/or “crazy successful” may be lofty, but what I’m telling you is that even these ideas build a fence around your potential.
So, you can be the President, a millionaire philanthropist, and author, you say? To which, I’d say, “Is that all?”
Logan Gelbrich
1/26/14 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (135/95)
15 Pullups