If there was just one thing about human movement that I could give to you as a coach, it’d be the ability to squat. I’m confident that 90% of you that just read that thought, “Check!” You’ve done tons of squats, right? Check that box and move on to the next thing, right?
Well, excellent squatting is a process that will take years.. if you’re lucky. It could take a decade depending on where you’re starting from.
What I’m talking about is proper hip function. I’m talking about a basic level of flexibility. And, I’m talking about the ability to find a basic position that has a transferability that can’t be contained in this sentence. Maybe 1% of you have this.
Have no fear, because we’re working on it, and that’s the key.
Shift your perspective away from muscles and bikini season for a second and recognize that a day of squatting is another day that’s guaranteed free from assisted living. This simple, most essential movement can be all the stands between you and the nursing home one day. So, whether you’re 23 or 93, do some squatting today.
Logan Gelbrich
12/9/13 WOD
Back Squat
Complete the following for time:
Run 400M
Rest 1 min
Run 800M
Rest 2 min
Run 400M
Rest 1 min
Run 800M
**Athletes receive two scores (400m time trial and total time)