Walking through the gate at 110 Lincoln Blvd, we all feel a bit of those tingly, sports-related feelings. A couple things are inevitable, one of which is that we have some work to do. The other is that the work will be done with an element of each otherness with an attempt to do it well, just like in any team sport. And, I love that.
I come from a deep rooted team sport background. Now, you don’t have to necessarily have my background to feel some of these beautiful things. However, if you’ve ever played middle school basketball or little league, you understand what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the anxiousness in your stomach, the start times, the warm ups, and the responsibility. I’m talking about the moments with your teammates, the lessons, the failure. It all makes for a beautiful scenario. We have that scenario.
Though we aren’t playing basketball, what we do has this unmistakable similarity to what it’s like being involved in team sports. And, thank goodness, because you all are the best damn teammates one could ever ask for. You all are a huge part in a very familiar memory for me and I hope that we are a huge part in a very familiar memory for you.
Logan Gelbrich
11/15/13 WOD
Even: Pro Shuttle
Odd: 2 Hang Power Cleans (AHAP)
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
12 Front Squats (95/65)
12 Plyo Push Ups (on Plate) or 3:1 Push Ups
200m Run