We scale. We utilize progressions. We’re the responsible ones. Yup, DEUCE gym checked the quality box. But, guess what?
We aren’t soft, either.
There’s a difference, you know. Being responsible and being soft are two different things. All the biomechanics, foundational coaching, and structure in the world doesn’t replace the fact that it pays to be a winner. We don’t believe in “At least you tried…” We don’t pity, nor do we reward mediocrity.
If, at least in part, we can’t wrap our minds around the pursuit of victory over yourself and others, then what are we really doing here? I don’t want you to forget that. Whether you’re at work or in the gym, remember that it pays to be a winner.
Play to win. The victory is sweet and the pursuit will shape you, win or lose.
Logan Gelbrich
9/27/13 WOD
Complete the following for time:
400m Run
40 KB Snatches (53/35)
40 KB Shoulder to Overhead
40 KB Cleans
400m Run