Lace ‘Em Up

This Sunday at 9 AM marks the start of what seems to be an already booming concept program to the Functional Fitness on the Bluffs fitness school umbrella. FFOTB Endurance, headed by endurance coach and CrossFitter, Johanna Hudson, seeks to put cardiovascular endurance, stamina, and holding position in the longer time domain under the microscope.

Runners: Could squatting improve your hip function and leg cycle?

There’s already a large group planning on heading out to the bluffs Sunday morning, so feel free to add to the party. FFOTB Endurance, like Barbell Club and Women’s Only are credited to the same membership/drop in structure of our general physical preparedness (GPP) classes.

We’re going long, and we’d love to see you Sunday!

Logan Gelbrich


Saturday’s Workout:

Spend 20 min:
-Rack Delivery
-Tall Cleans

3 rounds:
300 yard shuttle
-Rest 1 min-
Max L Sit
-Rest 1 min-

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